Merpati Putih - Indonesian Martial Art

What is Merpati Putih?

Merpati Putih means ‘White Dove’, the symbol of Peace and Justice for all of Humanity. Indonesian Royal Family’s secret method of Energy Awareness and Personal Protection. There are over 700 unique styles of Martial Art native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Merpati Putih is different than any Martial Art ever seen anywhere before it’s public release. What makes Merpati Putih's special is the unique ability to Develop, Harness, and Control Massive Amounts of Tenaga Dalam or Inner Power -(also called Chi, Ki, Prana, Subtle Energy, or Bio Energy). Using a very specific and patented series of body postures and breathing techniques, Merpati Putih is truly one of the world’s rarities.

Today over 1,000,000 Indonesian people have studied and benefited from the Merpati Putih method with over 100,000 active members. Merpati Putih is also available as standard training for almost every branch of the Indonesian military including Air Force, Army Special Forces, Commando Paratroopers, S.W.A.T. Teams and Presidential Secret Service.  Merpati Putih is also an outstanding member of the Indonesian (I.P.S.I.) and World (PERSILAT) Pencak Silat Federations as well as the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace (M.A.F.W.P).  All of this notwithstanding, the Merpati Putih organization had never allowed non-Indonesians to train until 1999. Nate and Mike Zeleznick are the first Americans ever granted permission to be formally trained in Merpati Putih.

Benefits of  The Merpati

The Merpati Putih creed means that Merpati Putih members should do what is right for the benefit of everyone involved with a pure heart and a silent mind.

As each person’s life, situation and beliefs are unique, Merpati Putih is the perfect system for anyone who seeks to learn more about themselves, what they are really capable of and how they can help others without impinging on one’s personal life perspectives. Improving ones self, serving others, carrying love in one’s heart and doing so with a mind that is uncluttered and unlimited by self doubt, preconceived notions and prejudices so that life can be lived moment-to-moment, and every moment enjoyed to it’s fullest.

 This is the cornerstone of everything Merpati Putih. What truly makes Merpati Putih  special is the unique ability to quickly build and Harness large amounts of Inner Power or Tenaga Dalam. Using a very specific method of exercising with special breathing techniques and meditation, Merpati Putih practitioners can feel this energy within themselves and use it to improve their lives very soon after beginning. Many systems focus on building energy, but the speed in which Merpati Putih changes lives and perception is what truly sets it apart from other methods.

Merpati Putih teaches people how to use their inner power for many different benefits including : 

  • Self Healing and Rebalancing Chronic Aches, Pains, and Illnesses from within (i.e. Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Back and Neck Pain, Joint Pain). 
  • Massively Increasing Health and Energy including Strength, Flexibility and Stamina as well as lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol.
  • Releasing Stress and Developing Razor Sharp Mental Focus and Concentration.
  • Mind over matter such as Protecting ones own body from injury or even stimulating healing in others.
  • Extremely effective Self Defense for Men, Women and Children of all ages.

Some Great Videos of Merpati Putih:
Indonesian Merpati Putih team done a Demo in Uzbekistan A compilation of the Merpati Putih European exams 2008 in the Indonesian School in The Netherlands. Similarities between Merpati Putih and Kalaripayat, Story of Ramayana has mentioned about Suvarnadvipa (Sumatra) and Yavadvipa (Java); so India had made contact with Indonesia at least since 200 BC. Anniversary of Merpati Putih Demo Merpati Putih in Jakarta, Indonesia Ujian Kenaikan Tingkat Nasional 2004 Tradisi Merpati Putih Parangkusumo 2003 Merpati Putih Training

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